Principles of Reality

Table of Contents

To better understand everything that is to follow, make sure you have already covered my previous post Small Summary so you can follow along. If you wish to start from the original article, check out my post The Roadmap to Overman.

In this article you will learn the following:

    • the principles and how to use them
    • what is programming
    • what is self-talk and how to implement it

This article was inspired by the following books: The Kybalion, Reality transurfing, Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, and Psycho-cybernetics

Bellow you will find video summaries for each of the books:

It would be desirable that you read all of the above-mentioned books, but I realize that you can’t do that in a conceivable time span. The next best thing is to check out my summary of the book “Think and Grow Rich“, and in doing so, get some understanding of everything that is to come.

The principles

The following principles could be understood as rules that govern the universe we live in. These are no imaginary concepts or creations of mine, as you will see yourself. These ideas are completely logical and well-established in the literature, but use your critical thinking and decide if you want to adopt them or not. Don’t take these principles word for word, but instead read them and decide on which things you would like to keep.

So here are the principles:

    • Principle of mentalism: All is mind. This principle could be understood as the idea that everything that exists is inside your consciousness. As we have already learned, consciousness comes before any experience. Anything that appears in your reality has first come into your consciousness. By fully understanding this idea, you realize that control over reality is absolutely in your hands. Only things that you pay attention to can enter your consciousness and the things outside it can’t exist.
    • Principle of correspondence: Our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world. What we believe on the inside, manifests itself on the outside. This principle has multiple implications. If you think and do good for others, the world will give you back the same kinds of feelings and thoughts. What you think matters. Your thoughts manifest themselves into the outside world. If you are optimistic, happy, and loving on the inside, you will vibrate those same kinds of thoughts and energy on the outside. People will notice that you are happy, charismatic, and a good person to hang around with and they will give back the same energy to you. On the same note, if you believe that you will achieve some kind of goal, that thought will manifest itself. The explanation for this is the fact that you will be more confident, you won’t give up because in your head you are certain that you will succeed, and so on. You get the point. Your thoughts truly matter so make sure that you align your thoughts with the way you want to live and soon you will find yourself leaving that reality.
    • Principle of vibration: Everything vibrates, even thoughts. You attract who you are, based on what frequency you are vibrating at. This principle does not need to be interrupted literally, but the idea is that you give away feelings, energy, and vibes based on how you behave and think. If you are confident, other people will feel your confidence. If you are scared, other people will catch onto you. That is the point of this principle.
    • Principle of rhythm: Rhythm will affect you when you automatically react without awareness unless you decide to consciously respond. This principle talks about all the things that happen in everyday life like the death of a loved one, bullying, joyful play… As we have previously stated, all things vibrate. Rhythm is a combination of many vibrations that create an event. This event will have an effect on you if you just react without any presence or attention. But if you choose to be present in the moment and consciously respond, you can decide on which things you want and don’t want to affect you. Which things you are okay with pulling you into their rhythm and setting your vibration frequency to theirs. But remember one very important thing. If you wish not to be pulled into the rhythm of a specific event, you must not resist its pull. Instead, just relax and kick it out of your consciousness. Resisting the pull of an event will just pull you in more. To give you an example think of the last time you were angry. Did telling yourself to stop being angry or thinking about anger help at all? No, it made you just think about anger for a short few seconds more. The thing you should do is come back to the present moment, and the thought of anger will go away on its own. No thought or emotion can survive without attention being given to it. Nothing exists outside of consciousness and only things you are aware of exist inside.

Using the principles

So now is the time to give you some tips and tricks on using these principles to your advantage. I will teach you how to program your mind and choose which thoughts will dominate your mind.

Whatever you impress on your mind will be expressed in reality that you live in. This calls back to the previous principles. The way you can program your mind is by using self-talk. You act and feel, not according to what things are really like, but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like. So the goal is to make your mind think thoughts that you want. To use your mind as a tool to achieve your biggest goals.

How to implement self-talk? There are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Types of self-talk:

    • Silent self-talk: talking to yourself inside your head
    • Self speak: talking to yourself out loud
    • Self conversation: talking to yourself while talking from multiple sides of an argument. Talking as multiple people
    • Self write: This is also called journaling
    • Tape talk: recording yourself talking out loud and then replaying it

For self-talk to be effective it should have the following:

    • Present tense: talk in first person
    • Specific: Be very specific with all the details (duration, date, exact numbers…)
    • Easy to use
    • Personal and honest
    • Ambitious

Emotions that help programming are:

    • Desire
    • Faith
    • Sex
    • Enthusiasm
    • Romance
    • Hope

Five levels of self-talk:

    1. “I don’t believe I could do this”. It is our way of telling ourselves to hesitate, question our capabilities, and accept less than we know we could have done, had we only given ourselves a chance. (NEGATIVE)
    2. “I need to…”, “I should…”. This level still works against us, because it recognizes the problem but creates no solution. (NEGATIVE)
    3. “I no longer smoke”, “I never smoke”. You state the decision in the present tense as if the change has already occurred. (POSITIVE)
    4. “I am a good person”, “I am worthy of the championship”, “I am…”. (POSITIVE)
    5. Level 5 is the self-talk of “openness” with God. It could be understood as believing that you are doing the right thing and the Divine power is on your side. That God is with you on your side and talking as though you have the power of the universe behind you. Think of it as talking to yourself with the knowledge of oneness firmly established in the back of your head. (POSITIVE)

Importance of programming

Finally, I want to show you the hierarchy that will better explain why programming your mind is so important:

    • Programming: Self-talk that we just mentioned. ()
    • Beliefs: By programming your mind, you change your beliefs. For example, you start believing that you are worthy of being great. ()
    • Attitudes: Once you change your beliefs, your attitudes change. You no longer have a pessimistic attitude when you fail, since you believe wholeheartedly that you will succeed. Thus failure becomes just a stepping stone to success. ()
    • Feelings: Once you change your attitude, you change the dominating feelings. Anger no longer shows up, since confidence and love dominate the mind. ()
    • Behavior: Finally, once your mind is full of only positive feelings and emotions, your behavior changes. You act following your feelings which are dominated only by positive ones. ()

Exercise you can use to program your mind

Take 30 minutes of your day and find a place to be alone, relaxed and comfortable. Now close your eyes and practice your imagination. See yourself acting and responding appropriately, successfully, ideally. Make these pictures as vivid and as detailed as possible. Pay attention to small details, sights, sounds, objects in your imagined environment. Goal is to imagine the things that you want to achieve, the life that you want to live.


If there are certain things you disagree about, that is completely okay and you should keep only the parts of this section that you find useful. I strongly encourage you to state your opinions and ideas, because debate is the only way towards progress, and remember: It is not about who is right, but what is right. I am here for the truth and if your ideas make more sense than mine, I will accept them with open arms.

Actionable step:

    • Implement some sort of self-talk into your life. One thing I advise you to do is write on paper/journal all the things you want to achieve. Write each one of them as their own section and follow all of the previous steps mentioned. Make it extremely detailed. Then every morning and night read those statements out loud to yourself. It will only take a couple of minutes to read and you can make it a part of your morning/night routine.
    • Do the above-mentioned visualization exercise.
    • Read the book “Think and Grow Rich” and all of the summaries mentioned.

Once you have done all of the actionable steps, move on to the article Mindset.

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