Connecting the dots

Table of Contents

To better understand everything that is to follow, make sure you have already covered my previous post God, Religion, and Morality so you can follow along. If you wish to start from the original article, check out my post The Roadmap to Overman.

Now is the time to connect everything that we discussed so far in all of the previous posts. The following text will explain to you what exists, who you are, what is the meaning of life, and how to live a good life, a morally right life. If there is anything you don’t understand, go back and reread the chapters.

What exists?

Imagine an infinite empty space. There is nothing. Now add to this nothing an infinite cloud. This cloud is everything that exists, it is the idea of One that we previously talked about. Small particles of this cloud are all the small parts that exist and they are no different from one another. They can group into smaller groups and make a bigger part, but nonetheless, they are all the same and make up the only One thing that exists.

Who are you?

Now imagine a spotlight inside of this cloud. That spotlight is awareness and when small particles come into the spotlight awareness shines light on them. If you were to be anything, you would be that spotlight. What you are aware of during the day are the things that come into your spotlight (from thoughts to physical objects and sensations). Now the analogy breaks here because there is truly no difference between the spotlight (you) and the particles inside the spotlight. Remember everything is the part of the same one, created from the same particles that create the universe. Spotlight comes to life, or we can say is made by the same type of particles that it shines light on too. It becomes itself, the awareness, once particles group up and create a bigger part (in this case they create the spotlight itself, the awareness).

Perfect universe

I will start with the premise that the universe or the One is perfect as it is.

For the universe to be “perfect” in a sense it would have to consist of everything and lack nothing. For something to be perfect it would have to be flawless and without limitation, but then again for it to not lack limitation itself, the universe must have some sort of it. It is exactly this paradoxical existence of interchanging absolute possibility and limitation at every moment that allows for perfection. Think of it as Schrödinger’s cat, there is both limitation and no limitation at the same time.

For anyone who doesn’t understand the concept of Schrödinger’s cat, here is a quick explanation.

This allows for determinism and free will to coexist, and also allows for an infinite number of possibilities existing in the same moment. This allows for the reality that you live to be consciously chosen. The following chapters will go in-depth on the idea of choosing your reality but all I want you to understand for the time being is that every possible option is available at every moment and so free will exists no matter how limited it may be by the deterministic nature of the universe.

I believe this is the only way a concept as paradoxical as perfection could exist.

What is the meaning of life?

This is a tough question but what I can give you is the way that you should live, which I am absolutely sure of. And we could say technically that the meaning of life is to live this way, but I will let you decide on that.

You should live being fully present at every moment, free from the illusions that plague your mind and following your true sexual essence.

There will be more talk on core sexual essence, but if you are a masculine person (usually a male), you should live in line with your purpose and moral rules, and do it whilst being fully present. This is what I believe to be the perfect way to live.


If there are certain things you disagree about, that is completely okay and you should keep only the parts of this section that you find useful. I strongly encourage you to state your opinions and ideas, because debate is the only way towards progress, and remember: It is not about who is right, but what is right. I am here for the truth and if your ideas make more sense than mine, I will accept them with open arms.

One book that will serve you as a good overall summary of my thoughts is The Untethered Soul. I encourage you to read it for yourself, but at least dedicate some time to go through my summary of the book.

Actionable step:

    • Go through all of the previous articles and make sure that you understand everything.
    • Read the book “The Untethered Soul” and summary.

Once you have done all of the actionable steps, move on to the article Principles of Reality.

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